1. Click here to register an account with BetterText 2. Pin 📌 the Bettertext icon to your browser. 3. Highlight 💡 the text and select......

published on February 18, 2023

At Bettertext, we offer a 3-day free trial with access to all features, allowing users to experience the full potential of our app. After the......

published on February 18, 2023

Bettertext is a powerful Chrome extension that brings a range of text editing tools to popular websites. Whether you're drafting an email, composing a tweet,......

published on February 18, 2023

The ruler set in Bettertext is a powerful tool that allows you to perform basic text editing tasks without leaving your current application. Here's how......

published on February 18, 2023

The Rewrite function in Bettertext is a powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily rewrite any text you've highlighted. Here's how to use......

published on February 18, 2023

The Reply to Email feature in Bettertext allows you to quickly and easily respond to emails without leaving your current Mailbox. Here are the two......

published on February 18, 2023

Bettertext offers several powerful features that can help you work more efficiently with text. In this guide, we'll explore three of these features: Shorten, Expand,......

published on February 18, 2023

Bettertext "Continue to write" feature is a powerful tool that helps you save time and effort while writing. By simply highlighting a few words, Bettertext......

published on February 18, 2023

The "Answer Questions" feature in Bettertext is a powerful tool that allows you to quickly and easily answer questions on any given subject. By providing......

published on March 12, 2023

Exploring the Versatility of Bettertext: Use Cases in Various Scenarios

published on March 26, 2023

Bettertext is an innovative AI writing toolbox chrome extension that has been designed to help users improve their writing skills. With its advanced features and......

published on April 16, 2023

In this article, we will compare Bettertext to Wordtune, another popular writing tool, and highlight the key differences between the two. Features Wordtune Bettertext Starter......

published on April 16, 2023